
Google Ads Management

Businesses today need top tier search engine marketing and Google ads  management to attract new customers and beat their competition.

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Google Ads Management
Google Ads Management

Google Ads Management Expert

As a third-party provider, we manage Google Ads (formerly AdWords) and social media ad campaigns for our clients. We are professional Search Engine and Social Media Marketers who take pride in our excellent customer service and results.

Our experts can help manage your Google ad accounts and campaigns so you can focus on other areas of your business. We can optimize and monitor keywords, negative keywords, bids, and location or audience targeting. We also deliver weekly reports on your campaign performance.

We can help manage your organization’s existing pay-per-click strategy and accounts, or we can help you setup a new account with Google. Crescent Park Media will work with you to understand your goals, your target audience, and your budget. We provide hands-on expertise to generate a positive return on investment in digital advertising channels.

Call Us Today for FREE Google Ads Management Consultation!

Let our Google Ads (or Adwords) expert review your campaigns and tell you how to optimize it to generate more leads! 

How does Google Ads (formerly AdWords) campaign management work?

If you already run Google Ads yourself, then you likely pay Google directly for your advertising costs and make account choices yourself.

With Crescent Park Media’s managed digital ad campaigns, our team will request access to your Google Ads account and monitor, administer, and update your Google Ads campaigns in an ongoing manner.

We bill you separately for the work we do in your account. Your billing profile and billing relationship for ad charges remain with Google. We are not resellers nor are we directly affiliated with Google; we are a third-party marketing company with experience running successful Google Ads campaigns.

Google owns the largest (two) internet search engines in the world with both the Google Search and YouTube platforms. The basics of advertising on these platforms are relatively easy to grasp, but there are many moving parts and using Crescent Park Media’s dedicated pay-per-click team will not only generate a better ROI, but also allow you to focus on other areas of your business. Our Google Ad managers spend their workdays helping run all aspects of digital ad campaigns.

Beyond choosing keywords, keyword types, and budget, our expert google ad managers can help:

  • track leads and conversions by measuring website actions
  • find potential opportunities to improve your Google Ads account Quality Score
  • periodically add negative keywords to help prevent ads from showing in irrelevant searches
  • split-test (A/B test) ad copy to find the most effective language

Learn more about our other digital marketing services

Social Media Ads

Increase brand awareness, and appointment bookings on sites like Facebook

Web Development

Get a new website that’ll convert site visitors into leads

Local + Organic SEO

Increase organic search leads by ensuring your site is on googles home page

Why Choose our Google Ads Expert?

No long-term contracts

As a third-party manager of your Google Ads account, we do not force lengthy service contracts to engage our services.

If you choose to end a service agreement with Crescent Park Media, you will retain full ownership and access to your Google Ads accounts.

We can help you with Google Ads, Retargeting / Remarketing Ads, Monthly Reporting, and Call Tracking.

Social Media Marketing Vancouver

Well-managed and optimized Google Ads campaigns can be an effective lead generator for many types of businesses. Inquire today to see if your business can benefit from Crescent Park Media’s digital advertising experience.

Google Ads Management - FAQ's

How does Google Ads work?

Google Ads has a few different networks you can advertise on. There’s Google Search, Google Shopping, and Google Display. Google also facilitates Youtube Ads!

It’s likely that you’re most familiar with Google Search Ads. Google Search Ads are text-based ads that appear at the top of the search results when a user types in a query.

Google Ads works by matching targeted keywords (in a user’s search) to ads that are manually or dynamically created. If someone uses those keywords in their search, your ad will be eligible to appear.

Each search is like an auction, where advertisers bid on the users’ search to have their ad display at the top. If a user clicks on your ad they’ll be taken to your website or landing page, and you’ll be charged for that click. Where your ad shows and how often it shows depends on how much you bid, who is bidding against you, and how relevant your ad is to the user.

How Much does Google Ads cost?

Google Ads work on a pay per click (PPC) basis, meaning you’re only charged when someone clicks on your ad. The price of a click (also known as the Cost Per Click or CPC) varies depending on a number of factors. Each search is like an auction, so each advertiser will set a maximum cost per click bid for each keyword.

But, the auction isn’t a straightforward bidding war. Where your ad comes up and how frequently it comes up also depends on the quality of your ad, the quality of your landing page and website, and the relevance and usefulness to the user’s search. This means you may not be bidding above your competitors, but you can still win the auction!

The Cost Per Click (CPC) varies a lot between different industries depending on how competitive they are. The CPC can also vary for each advertiser in the industry based on the quality factors mentioned above.

Because of this, there’s no “one size fits all” rule for how much Google Ads costs. It requires research and alignment to business goals to work out a viable and sustainable budget. If you’re interested in getting an idea of how much Google Ads will cost for your business, we’d encourage you to get a free strategy!

What are the benefits of Google Ads?

There are tonnes of great benefits to Google Ads, making it a popular choice for small and large businesses alike.

The first advantage is that they’re highly targeted. Google allows you to pick very specific searches and very specific audiences to target your ads. This means you can really narrow in on your most likely converters.

Google Ads is also highly flexible and allows you to control your costs. You can turn campaigns off and on as it suits your business, and it can scale up and down with your needs as well. With Google Ads, you set a daily budget to ensure your spend doesn’t spiral out of control.

One big advantage over other advertising methods is that it’s highly measurable and provides instant data. If someone clicks on your ad and does something on your site, we’ll know about it. Google Ads also allows you to immediately start showing your ads, unlike SEO where rankings can take months to develop.

All these benefits of Google Ads makes it one of the most useful tools in improving overall growth in sales and leads for businesses at costs that work for you.

Will Google ads work for my business?

There’s a reason why Google Ads are so popular, and it’s because it can work for a wide variety of businesses. Google Ads targets people who are actively looking for your offering, and takes them to your website to convert. This means that the traffic you’re getting is more qualified, and you’re likely to get a good return for your spend.

Google Search Ads rely on people knowing what to look for, so if you’ve got something totally brand new then it can be tricky. That being said, most new things are solving a common problem, and people love searching for answers online!

Google Ads also relies on sending people to a website that will convert them. If your business doesn’t have a website yet, you’ll need one before you can run these ads.

Occasionally, Google Ads are so competitive in an industry that the price of a click doesn’t reflect the benefit you’d get back as a business. This situation is rare, so it usually comes down to doing extensive research to make sure it’s viable.

How do I choose the right Google ads agency?

Google Ads can be intimidating if you’re not a professional Google Ads specialist. It can be a bit like taking your car to a mechanic – without any specialist knowledge, you just have to trust that they know what they’re doing. The same is true of Google Ad agencies, and unfortunately, not all agencies will act in your best interest.

The first thing you should look at is the structure of their management. Ideally, you want a Google Ads agency with no lock-in contracts, one where you can retain ownership of your accounts. This kind of transparency is important, as it means they’re relying on performance to keep you on as a client, not a contract.

Quality of work is another big point, and sometimes this is hard to evaluate if you’re new to Google Ads. We recommend looking at reviews and even asking for client references. You also want to make sure you’re getting the attention you deserve. You should look for agencies that keep a low number of clients per specialist, and promote positive cultures to attract top talent PPC talent. Quality assurance (more than one specialist checking your campaigns) is also a great way to ensure you’re getting quality Google Ads management.

How much does Google ads management cost?

Our Google Ads management pricing varies based on the number of platforms and the complexity of the strategy. It is NOT tied to your ad spend. This means if things are going well and your budget increases, management won’t necessarily increase with it.

Our management isn’t a cookie-cutter service, we tailor it to the individual needs of each business and price it accordingly. If you’d like to get a quote, reach out to us for a free strategy!

What happens during a marketing consultation?

Your free PPC strategy is based on your business goals. That’s why we start with an initial consultation to understand your business and determine what success looks like for you.

From there, one of our PPC specialists will conduct research to tailor a PPC strategy that will best achieve your goals. The strategy will outline some solid KPIs to measure success and explore the current business environment. We’ll then go in-depth into each recommended PPC platform and explain how we’ll go about your campaigns. This includes things like keyword research, audience research, competitor research, technical optimisation recommendations, creative recommendations and more. If you have an existing ad account, we’ll be auditing that too!

After recommending the right PPC platforms to start with, we also outline future opportunities for advertising expansion.

Your strategy then continues with a recommendation for your ad spend. We’ll often recommend a minimum viable budget, as well as an ideal or “growth” budget.

Finally, we’ll give you a formal quote for management, and outline the next steps on how to get started!

Want to find your next customer with Google Ads?

If you want to learn some Google Ads Management tips and tricks, book a free marketing consultation with our Vancouver PPC expert. We’ll be happy to make a few recommendations to optimize your existing strategy, or help you implement a new one. No obligation, just a few helpful digital marketing tips!

Download our free Digital Marketing Guide

Or, if you’d rather get things started in house, check out our free Digital Marketing E-Book.

It contains three easy tips you can try, that’ll help improve your current digital marketing and SEO strategy!

Digital Marketing Guide